533 M Facebook Users Data Leaked

533 M Facebook Users Data Leaked

M stands for Millions How easy is to find facebook user information online? There are two different ways you can get the data online. You can pay someone to sell…

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Discovered 25. years hidden Easter Egg in Windows 95.

Discovered 25. years hidden Easter Egg in Windows 95.

You’d think we have discovered all Easter eggs in operating system which is more then 25. years old by now, but you’ll be surprised… In computer software, Easter eggs are…

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Password Security Tips

Password Security Tips

This article will explain on how to create a strong password and how to manage them. In today’s world, having a strong password is a must, because your digital life…

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How to overclock a mouse?

How to overclock a mouse?

In this article I’ll explain what overclocking a mouse mean and then how you can overclock your mouse on windows 10. 20H2 version. I have been having problems finding the…

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Common Mistakes you should avoid with your new PC

Common Mistakes you should avoid with your new PC

From my personal experience as an system administrator, this is the list of the most common mistakes I’ve encountered in the past. Please, don’t repeat them ! When you purchase…

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Viruses, malware… What are they ?

Viruses, malware… What are they ?

Since the dawn of computer era, they have always been these kind of “pests” somewhere laying around in the PC. And since they showed up, the fight between viruses and…

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